FU Guangyang

Dr. FU Guangyang

FU Guangyang is a doctor of engineering and lecturer in Shandong University of Technology. He was graduated from the Shandong University at 2020. The corresponding research field is focused on the design and optimization of the Micro-Electro-Mechanical-systems (MEMS), the development of the small-scale beam/plate theoretical model, the size-dependent electro-mechanical anlysis of of the micro/nano-components. Until now, Guangyang Fu has published 4 academical papers. The corresponding work is main published in the internatioal jounal, such as  <International Journal of Engineering Science>(Q1, TOP journal, IF:9.219), <International Journal of Mechanical Sciences>(Q2, IF:5.329), <Zamm-zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik >(Q2, IF:1.603), < Thin-Walled Strutures >(Q2, IF:4.442).

Email:  guangyangfu@sdut.edu.cn