Dr. YU Wenhui
Dr. YU Wenhui is currently an associate professor at School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University of Technology (SDUT). She was awarded the title of Shuangbai scholars in SDUT in 2021. Wenhui gained her B.Sc in Materials Physics and Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering from Shandong University in 2013 and 2019, respectively. During her PhD program, she visit Prof. Chua Chee Kai's group, at Singapore Centre for 3D Printing, Nanyang Technological University in 2017. She has authored/co-authored more than 20 journal articles in Progress in Materials Science, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Jounal of Manufacturing Processes, etc. Her main research interests include laser powder bed fusion, laser manufacturing, surface engineering and two photon absorption manufacturing.
Email: yuwenhui@sdut.edu.cn