QI Dongfeng

QI Dongfeng

Prof. QI Dongfeng is working in Centre for Advanced Laser Manufacturing (CALM), School of Mechanical Engineering College, Shandong University of Technology (SDUT).

Dongfeng gained his PhD degree in Microelectronics from Xiamen University in 2016, and as a jointed PhD fellow in Mechnical Engineering from University of California Berkeley, (Prof. Costas. P. Grigoropoulos) in 2014-2016. Prior to joining Shandong University of Technology (SDUT), he was an associate professor in Ningbo University (2016-2020).

Dongfeng is a fellow of Laser Processing Committee of COS. Research Interests include In-situ visualization of laser-materials processing, maskless fabrication of electronics and energy devices and directed templating of semiconductor nanocrystals through laser melting.

Email: qidongfeng@sdut.edu.cn