WU Yongling

Professor WU Yongling, Linda

Prof. Yongling Wu is a distinguished Professor in School of Mechanical Engineering at Shandong University of Technology, China,and a Shandong Taishan Scholar. She obtained her B.Eng and M.Eng in Mechanical Engineering from Tsinghua University, China, and Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering from Nanyang Technological University of Singapore. She was a Research Scholar in Liverpool University of UK under the Scholarship of Confederation of British Industry (CBI). She was a Senior Scientist, Group Manager, and Vice Division Director in Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, and an Adjunct Professor in National University of Singapore. She won the prestigious National Technology Award of Singapore (now named as Singapore President’s Award). Her research area covers surface technology, nanomaterials synthesis, sol-gel chemistry, multifunctional coatings, and laser-chemistry interface. She has published more than 100 articles in the peer-reviewed international journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters, and won 13 international patents. She has guided 10 Doctorate and Master Degree graduates at the University of Oxford, Warwick University, EPFL of Switzerland, and Nanyang Technological University respectively. She is currently supervising 6 post-graduate students. She served as editor-in-chief, editor and reviewer for several international peer-reviewed journals.

Email: ylwu06@sdut.edu.cn