ZHENG Hongyu

Professor ZHENG Hongyu

Professor Zheng Hongyu is currently a professor and Dean, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University of Technology (SDUT), Zibo Shandong, and the Director, Centre for Advanced Laser Manufacturing (CALM).

Professor ZHENG gained his B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering from Tsinghua University in 1985, and Ph.D in Laser Materials Processing from Imperial College London in 1990.  Prior to joining Shandong University of Technology (SDUT), he was a principal scientist in the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A-STAR) of Singapore leading a research team in laser micro-/nano-processing. Prof. ZHENG has co-authored more than 170 SCI journal papers (H38, Google Scholars).  In 2014.  He and his team won the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award of Singapore. Prof ZHENG was an elected Fellow of the International Society of Nano-Manufacturing (ISNM)since 2014. His current research interests include ultrafast laser-matter interactions, laser micro-/nano- processing, hybrid manufacturing processes and in-process monitoring.

Email: zhenghongyu@sdut.edu.cn